The relationship between Bollywood stars and cricketer is a long standing alliance. Now the latest Bollywood and cricketer Jodi to make news for their link-ups is Anushka Sharma and Suresh Raina. Anushka and Suresh met few months back in London when Anushka was shooting in England and Suresh was on a cricketing tour. Ever since they kept in touch with each other.
Though it’s too early to stamp their relationship, reports say that the duo met whenever time permits. Anushka Sharma has a few broken relationships in the past. She had an affair with Ranveer Singh then she broke up with him and dated Shahid Kapoor for few days. Suresh also cannot say that he is free from link ups as he too is earlier linked up with the daughter of a union minister.
With IPL round the corner, let's set out eyes on the TV channel to see whether Anushka turns up to cheer her good friend Suresh Raina.
With so much talking doing the rounds about the new affair, Anushka Sharma denies dating Suresh Raina.
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